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Writer's picture: Joe G. SantosJoe G. Santos

An astrology chart depicting the third decan of Leo Rising, with the Sun conjunct Pluto in the 7th sign, and 6th house.
The Astrology Chart of Aquarius Season 2025 cast from the Equator.

We arrive at the heart of winter, Aquarius Season. And this time around, we have Leo Rising at the Equator, making the Sun a greater focus than it already is.

The Sun in Air Signs

An image of a black man with his hair on fire resembling a crown.

The Sun doesn’t usually love the Air signs. He’s said to be to his detriment in Aquarius, fallen in Libra, and peregrine and lost in Gemini. I always think that’s because the Sun really just loves fire too much to open up to any other element (he's made out of fire after all).

Symbolically speaking, Fire is much more self-oriented than Air. If you think about it, when things catch on fire, everything is reduced to one singular thing: dust or potentially just more and more fire. Whereas Air can live in the lungs of many creatures and it courses and permeates through pretty much anything you can think of. Needless to say, if we were to scatter pieces of the Sun and make it as pervasive as the air we breathe, we not only wouldn’t have the same effect, we’d all be toast.

Aquarius is even more strange for the Sun because it’s not necessarily a fresh spring breeze, but it’s Air that becomes congealed and compressed, possessing the might of something as strong as hard matter. 

In symbolic terms, Air represents ideas and social structures, while Aquarius is all about the ways in which these thoughts and agreements can have a tangible impact on one’s life. This is why we often speak of Aquarius as being descriptive of the way society itself functions. After all, society is mostly made up of ideas that the masses agree upon. Whether these ideas are true or constructive doesn’t matter as much. As long as people believe in it, that’s the stuff reality is made out of. Aquarius finds power in numbers, which contrasts greatly with the Sun, as it tends to be much more single-minded and is more interested in individual inspirations.

Whatever area of your chart Aquarius represents may be the space where you have to wrestle with stifling realities and your ability—or inability—to alter or preserve them. I know this is all very conceptual, but that just shows how weird and brainy Aquarian things can be. If you’re to take anything away from this, think of this as a season to examine how your assumptions about how an area of your life works could be diminishing your ability to feel inspired, certain, and optimistic. Because the Sun also represents leadership, it may be interesting to consider how your superiors or "the establishment" may be enabling these limitations. You can refer to the cheatsheet at the end of this article for more insights.

The Moon in Libra

One of the reasons why understanding your relationship with your leaders is important right now is that the chart for this season has the Moon, which generally represents the average person, configured to the Sun in a way that enables the whims of authority (trine).

The Moon will be in Libra, an Air sign that is very concerned with keeping things peaceful and agreeable. This agreeability can be rewarding at times, as demonstrated by how Jupiter, the planet of good spirit, is the most potent in this month’s chart (at the MC). However, there’s something about the Sun that cannot be overlooked: the Sun is conjunct Pluto at the beginning of the season.

The Sun Conjunct Pluto in Astrology

To me, the Sun and Pluto together speak of authorities in our lives that are hidden or mysterious but ever present. This could involve people who rule over our lives whose intentions we don’t know or social structures that maintain the appearance of order while hiding a much grimmer reality. While I don’t say this to spook anybody, I hope you can sense how the Moon (the people) bending a knee to authority might raise a few red flags.

For example, if Aquarius represents debt in your chart, I would be suspicious of your bank giving you more credit when you still have debt left to pay. If Aquarius for you is a friend, it could be worth taking their newfound interest in something questionable with a grain of salt instead of enabling strange behavior. Again, I’d turn to the cheatsheet to find out how this transit could be relevant for you.

Aquarius Season Image

An oil painting (AI generated) of a young woman being dwarfed by a towering king. They both stare at each other against a dark background.
An oil painting (AI generated) of a young woman being dwarfed by a towering king. They both stare at each other against a dark background.

For this month’s image, I chose a depiction of a woman standing up to a towering, kingly figure as they both look at each other in the darkness.

This image evokes moments when we’re faced with great and powerful figures who might dwarf us with their presence. I’d like to think that this image captures the moment when the woman is faced with the decision to either bow or contest the domineering figure in front of her. I don’t believe either option is more noble than the other, but the important thing is that a decision must be made, and either choice will come with a cost. If she bows, she may be rewarded with gifts and honors but at the cost of her autonomy. If she pushes back, she’ll be on her own but full of potential.

Maybe you face a similar scenario this month, know someone who does, or see it play out in other unexpected ways. Whatever the case, know that while being faced with such hardship can feel paralyzing, the important thing is that there is a choice. To choose wisely, all it takes is the honesty to account for the consequences of your decisions.

Pluto Cazimi Astrology Reading

If this Pluto Cazimi story feels relevant to you and you want to continue exploring what this might mean with the help of a professional astrologer, this month I’m offering a themed 30-minute session titled “The Well,” where we explore your natal chart’s relationship to Aquarius and how this Pluto Cazimi might be relevant to you. Either way, I hope you have a great Aquarius Season! Stick it to The Man, or something like that.

A picture illustrating an astrology reading session titled "The Well"


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