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Why the Venus-Mars Trine May Be More Important Than You Think

Writer's picture: Joe G. SantosJoe G. Santos

Astrology Birth Chart of Libra Season 2024
Libra Season 2024 Chart. Cast from the Celestial Equator using Placidus Houses

Despite being a few days late to the season...

Despite being a few days late to the season, I'm finally here to take a look at the chart of Libra Season this year. Besides, it doesn't really look like I missed much by taking this week to gather my thoughts. We're really just settling into the groove of things as we head toward the New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Libra.

This season is pretty important in general because we're still in the process of closing up our Aries/Libra Eclipse cycle. And despite having deemphasized the impact of these celestial events in my recent article, eclipses are nonetheless still pretty important transits, especially when we're casting as wide of a net as we are when we attempt to interpret the chart of the month for the entire globe.

Stats for Nerds

Now, if the eclipse isn't enough to get us interested in what this month has to offer, we also see that Venus, the ruler of the eclipse herself (and therefore also the season), is by far the most angular planet in this chart cast from the Celestial Equator using Placidus Houses. Mars, the ruler of the month's Full Moon, comes in as a close second despite the fact that he's retreating from the western horizon at the time of the season's inception. All this happens while they're exchanging terms, and I find that a fascinating concept to explore.

To me, this signifies that Venus and Mars are big players throughout the month and especially during the Aries Full Moon on October 17th. For these reasons, we'll be prioritizing these two planets in our analysis today.

Venus Take The Wheel

Venus and Mars are always an interesting combo. They're both nocturnal planets, or planets that tend to deal with our more intimate aspects of life. They often speak of personal desires, wants, needs, and cravings, as well as the ways we relate to one another. Venus more often than not represents the people, events, and things we love, whereas Mars represents the people, events, and things we may not necessarily love to be around but that can be great motivators, as in the case of enemies, competitors, and antagonists.

If we assess the strength of both these planets, it's easy to see how Venus takes the golden medal home. She's in her own sign, and like I mentioned earlier, she's also the most angular, which in astrology is synonymous with being the most potent out of the two wandering stars. This should be good news since it suggests that love and peacemaking are likely to win over the spirit of antagonism throughout the season.

However, the picture is a little more complicated when we look at how Venus and Mars are interacting with one another.

The glyph of the planet Venus in a zodiacal diagram showing her at 29 degrees Libra, in Mars' terms or egyptian bounds
Venus at 29 Libra, in Mars' terms

For starters, as much as Venus is feeling high and mighty in Libra during the ingress, she sits at the very end of the sign, which some like to call the anorectic degree.

Planets in such a position tend to wrestle with a sense of urgency, as if they're trying to wrap up everything that was left undone in the last minutes before they have to submit their zodiacal project.

If we're talking about how Venus being so strong could signify a bit of a "love wins" situation, or perhaps even "a victorious woman" situation—since Venus is said to be the steward of women and women's issues—it’s likely that these victories are to come at the last minute, driving everyone insane and keeping us all at the edge of our seats with a myriad of "will they, won't they" scenarios.

It's good to remember, though, that despite Venus being in Libra at the season's inception, she'll spend most of that time in Scorpio, where she's said to display a certain degree of possessiveness, obsession, or even a little bit of fear of loss. With that in mind, it's important to watch yourself so you don't get caught in the swamp of emotions that Venus in this placement can bring. Let your victories be victories, and refrain from swimming through the billion different ways things could go wrong. Otherwise, your suspicions could very well generate problems that weren't even there to begin with.

Terms & Conditions

Part of the reason why Venus might be so voracious to hold on to her victories (and consequently enticing you to do the same) is because the end of Libra is where we find Mars's Egyptian terms (also known as bounds).

What this means is that whatever Venus' mission is throughout the month brings a bit of a competitive edge to the table, and we all know how being in a competition feels. Feelings of insecurity might arise, or conversely, it ignites your more ferocious side that aims to win at all costs. Either way, the undeniable feeling is the pressure that comes with wanting to succeed, so that may be another emotion that greatly colors our Libra Season.

Still, it's not just Venus who's in Mars' terms; Mars himself is also sitting in Venus' terms in Cancer.

A diagram of the planet Mars at 10 degrees Cancer in Venus' terms
Mars at 10 Cancer, in Venus' terms

I like to be somewhat literal when I interpret "terms." I tend to think of them as the rules and conditions a planet has to play by. Like in our scenario, Venus is the ruler of Libra, so we can think of her as the "president" of that country. However, being in Mars' terms means that despite having a lot of power to do what she pleases throughout all of Libra, she still has to pass her "proposals" through Mars. It's almost like a president still needs the approval of their congress to implement any major changes in how the country is run.

This exchange of terms is good news though—it means that both Mars and Venus have a mutual agreement on how they are able to manifest their significations. Venus may attempt to achieve balance in Libra through competition and the pursuit of prizes and recognition, whereas Mars in Cancer has to protect what it loves without exerting too much force or being too domineering.

This has the potential to soften the hearts of our adversaries (temporarily) and to give Venus the green card she needs to think about herself first before prioritizing the needs of others. However, it's important to note that these two planets are still in signs that typically don't see eye to eye, so there may still be a bit of tension in the air as we manage our tendency toward being overly defensive and urgently trying to land a win.

Close & Personal

I think what this term exchange refers to is the fact that despite Venus in Scorpio being in a rough position throughout the month, she will be trine Mars, the ruler of Scorpio, through most of October, peaking around October 8th.

We started talking about Venus in Scorpio in this week's episode of the Astrology Channel's daily horoscopes, but the primary thing that excites me is the fact that this is a case of mutual reception, or in other words, a configuration that unites four different areas of your birth chart for a common goal (I'll leave a cheat sheet based on your rising sign at the end of the article).

A diagram of a birth chart with Venus at 18 Scorpio and Mars at 18 Cancer forming a trine to one another
Venus in Scorpio Trine Mars in Cancer on October 8th

However, it seems like some of the good things this transit might present are somewhat conditional. Venus only really takes control of Scorpio by day, or when she's displaying her more assertive qualities. This could perhaps point to the fact that we may have to tap into some of the things we've learned from when Venus was in her diurnal sign (Libra) to maximize our wins during this season.

I tend to lean on impartiality as a strength for Libra. Libras are often pretty good at being detached from an outcome, which I suspect is why people often talk about their struggle to make decisions. But in any case, whatever collaborations and opportunities for union are presented to you throughout the month could benefit from a bit of space, even though it'll be Venus in Scorpio's inclination to paint a picture in her head and try to materialize it at all costs. A picture likely involving getting pretty close and personal with somebody, and that somebody (Mars) is more than willing to do the same. However, it seems as though there could be complications that go unnoticed with such closeness, or conversely, this hunger runs the risk of feeding one's escapist tendencies, especially for the more Martian natives reading this analysis.

The Moon, which symbolizes our emotions as well as the general population, is basically unable to witness what Mars and Venus are up to during the inception of Libra Season and on the day of the Venus & Mars trine. This suggests caution around being so involved in this union or collaboration and how good it feels that we may overlook some details that a little bit of reason would have prevented. It's still Libra Season after all, and so attempting to find the midpoint between two extremes should be one of your missions this season.

Venus Trine Mars for All 12 Zodiac Signs

I hope this gives you a general idea of how this transit is going to be like. Like I mentioned earlier, this transit is peaking around October 8th, but realistically, we're already deep in the fluids of whatever Venus and Mars are up to in the sky. All that to say, there's already a good chance you know what all of this is referring to, especially if you are a Venus native (Taurus or Libra rising), a Mars native (Aries or Scorpio rising), and our Cancers out there in the world. My Cancer Sun & Rising can definitely attest to that.

But in case you're still struggling to see how this is influencing you, I've created a cheat sheet that might point you in the right direction. You can download it below. And don't worry, you don't need to subscribe to my newsletter to get it, although if you liked today's analysis, you might want to subscribe to have one of these delivered to your inbox every month!

Happy Water Trine, everyone! And as we say in Brazil, where I'm from, don't be afraid to get a little wet—we're not made of sugar! Venus in Scorpio is more of a spice girl after all.

Your Astrologer,


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