Apr 21, 2024
After enduring a series of misadventures, the children of the Sun are anticipating a fresh chapter. The initial steps of this new phase find them somewhat bewildered, however. They are fully aware that finding a new groove is imperative, but securing the necessary funds and resources remains a daunting enigma. Despite these uncertainties, the Solars have reasons to remain hopeful. The coming weeks are set to offer the opportunities they need to forge a new path, though it's crucial to understand that the shape of this future might not align with their current expectations. Today serves as a vital moment to grapple with this reality, explore the new surrounding, and plan preliminary steps—resisting the temptation to make any binding commitments just yet.
Presidents, the wealthy, leaders, fathers, diviners, and masculine figures in positions of power and visibility.
A masculine figure discovers a quaint farmhouse after traversing a challenging rocky desert.